An ordinary blind woman
with extraordinary vision.

Janine Vorster
o Blind
o Rare auto-immune disease
o Breast cancer survivor
o Social Worker in Private Practice
o Motivational speaker

Janine is an inspiration to the many people who have crossed her path. Despite blindness and intense health challenges, she has succeeded in living a full and meaningful life. She is determined and brave and does not allow challenges to defeat her. Because of her own hardships, other people with physical and emotional challenges easily relate to her. Janine’s insight and positive influence in others’ lives, empowers them to survive challenging times.
Janine’s testimony will enrich people’s lives. She is an excellent presenter who addresses a wide variety of subjects and inspires her audience through her motivational speaking.
Janine lives by the following

You not only have thoughts, you ARE your thoughts.

If you don’t grow through pain, you will die in pain – the choice is yours!

In hardship you either get better, or you get bitter – the choice is easy. To live this choice however, is hard work.
Janine Believes
that when you are blind, disability is
something in your thoughts, not in your eyes.
Janine does not have sight,
but she has vision.
Janine does not have good health,
but she has determination.
Janine has cancer, but cancer does not have her.
Janine does not have good medical prospects,
but she always has hope.
Janine does not have easy days, but a day never passes
without her smiling.
En as jy my vra hoe ek staande bly,
in ‘n stukkende wêreld rigting kry,
dan kan ek bely, dis die
Mosterdsaad in my.”
“En as jy sou wonder hoe jy bly vertrou,
in die donkerte steeds rigting hou,
dan sê ek jou nou, dis daai
Mosterdsaad in jou.”
And if you ask how I remain standing,
find direction in a broken world,
then I must confess, it’s the
Mustard seed in me.”
And if you should wonder how you
keep trusting, find direction in the
darkness, then I must say it’s the
Mustard seed in you.”
Grace is the golden thread visible in Janine’s life. Invite her to share her amazing story with you or visit her at her Practice to be inspired and motivated.




Teachers, Learners, Parents

Social Worker
Counselling, Play Therapy

Online Training
Grace is the golden thread visible in Janine’s life.
Invite her to share her amazing story with you or visit her at her Practice to be inspired and motivated.